Slightly rockered, crescent shaped hull with vertical posts ending in a flaring extremity with a concave top. The stempost has a cutwater and rises vertically, with a hollow/ slightly concave external edge. The sternpost curves smoothly without such a hollow and rises higher than the stempost. There is a cross-beam resting on the gunwale at the bow and stern respectively.
Ship model
Cypro Geometric
Unknown, thought to be from Amathus
L: 17.7 cm; H: 8 cm; W: 6.5 cm
terracotta boat model, yellowish-orange paste, traces of black paint.
Caubet et al 1998: 164, no. 223, fig. 223; Dolan 2023: 354-356, no. 17; Sauvage 2007: 97, 311, cat. 59
Caubet, A., S. Fourrier and A. Queyrel. 1998. L’art des modeleurs d’argile: antiquités de Chypre coroplastique. Paris: Réunion des musées nationaux.
Dolan, M. 2023. Ceci n'est pas un bateau: Reassessing terracotta boat models in Late Bronze and Iron Age Cyprus. University of Southhampton. Unpublished DPhil Thesis.
Sauvage, C. 2007. “Marine et navigation phéniciennes,” in E. Fontan and H. Le Meaux, H. (eds.) Les Phéniciens et la Méditerranée. De Tyr à Carthage. Paris: Institut du Monde Arabe, pp. 92-101.