Ancient Mediterranean

Digital Project

Single-levelled galley

Cat. No.



Late Geometric II


Kerameikos, Athens




Accession Number

Kerameikos Archaeological Museum


Tölle 1963: 655, fig. 11; Basch 1987: 181, no. 381; Morrison and Williams 1968: 35, Geom. 36; Tréziny 1980: fig. 6

Single-levelled to the left. Low flat hull, massive triangular bow with concave stempost integrating an exaggeratedly long bow projection and ending in a short protrusion slightly inclined forward. There is a single short plank protruding from the stempost. It is on the same level as a reserved line which runs the length of the hull, starting below the forecastle, and filled with a line of dots. The occulus is made up of a small reserved circle within a larger one (fish eye type). There are four remaining rowers facing right, their torsos inclined slightly forward, grasping at their oars with both hands.

Basch, L. 1987. Le musée imaginaire de la marine antique. Athens: Institut Hellénique pour la preservation de la tradition nautique.

Morrison, J.S. and R.T. Williams. 1968. Greek Oared Ships: 900-322 B.C. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Tölle. R. 1963. “Figürlich bemalte Fragmente der geometrischen Zeit vom Kerameikos,” AA 79: 642-665.

Tréziny, H. 1980. “Navires attiques et navires corinthiens à la fin du VIIIe siècle. A propos d’un cratère géométrique de Mégara Hyblaea,” Mélanges de l’école Française de Rome. Antiquité 92 : 17-34.

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