Zoomorphic small reed boat with a slender crescentic hull and a vertical stem ending in a naturalistic duck head. Bushy bird tail capping the sternpost. Two pairs of vertical lashings at stem and stern.
New Kingdom
Deir el-Medina
L: 14.14 cm; H: 11.26 cm
Limestone ostracon with figural decoration in red, black and green
Vandier 1959: 224, Pl. CLIV, no. 3019; Wicke 2010: 133-134, fig. 13 + n. 66
Young girl shown kneeling inside a duck-shaped boat, her face turned back while she steers the vessel with a long paddle. Scene set is a lush papyrus thicket. A large lotus flower in front of the base of the bow, framed by two lotus buds.
Vandier d'Abbadie, J. 1959. Catalogue des ostraca figurés de Deir el Médineh (N° 2734 à 3053). Le Caire: Institut français d'archéologie orientale. (Documents de fouilles - Institut français d'archéologie orientale du Caire = DFIFAO 2.4).
Wicke, D. 2010. "Die Goldschale der Iabâ – eine levantinische Antiquität." Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und Vorderasiatische Archäologie 100.1: 109-141.