Small boat with a gently crescentic hull. The stem rises vertically, ending in an outward facing naturalistic duck head. The stern curves upward more gently, ending in an inward-facing naturalistic duck head. Four vertical bands on the hull at the stern, bow and amidship respectively.
Wooden cosmetic spoon
New Kingdom (ca. 1550-1069 BC)
L: 18.5 cm; W: 5.2 cm; Th: 1 cm
Wooden cosmetic spoon
Andreu 1992: 54; Champollion 1845: pl. CLXIX, fig. 6; De Rougé 1855: 75; Decker and Herb 1994: 807-809, s. 4.6d; Delange 1993: 26-27, 47; Emerit et al 2017: 336, cat. 384; Etienne 2006: 69, no. 81; Maniche 1975: 75, n. 391; Ziegler et al 2005: 129, 242, n° 97
A young girl with a pleated loincloth, necklace and a triangular wig is shown holding a lute, standing on a small boat in the midst of a papyrus thicket. Two water fowl behind her on either side, perched atop a papyrus. Rectangular spoon decoration: Rectangular shaped pond, surrounding by a papyrus thicket, showing sailing on a small boat and bird hunting with a net.
Andreu, G. 1992.Images de la vie quotidienne en Égypte au temps des pharaons. Paris: Hachette. ill. p. 54
Champollion, J.-F. 1984. Monuments de l'Égypte et de la Nubie. Paris: Didot.
de Rougé, E. 1855. Notice sommaire des monuments égyptiens exposés dans les galeries du musée du Louvre. Paris: Imp. Simon Raçon et Comp.
Decker, W. and M. Herb. 1994. Bildatlas zum Sport im alten Ägypten. Leiden: Brill.
Delange, É. 1993. Rites et beauté: objets de toilette égyptiens, musée du Louvre. Paris: RMN.
Emerit, S., G. Hélène, V. Jeammet, S. Perrot, A. Thomas, C. Vendries, A. Vincent, N. Ziegler. 2017. Musiques! Echos de l'Antiquité. cat. exp. Musée du Louvre-Lens.
Etienne, M. 2006. Journey to the Afterlife. Egyptian Antiquities from the Louvre. cat. exp. Sidney; Paris, Art Exhibitions Australia; musée du Louvre.
Manniche, L. 1975. Ancient Egyptian Musical Instruments. Münchner Ägyptologische Studien 34. Berlin: Deutscher Kunstverlag.
Ziegler, C., G. Andreu, M. Suzuki. 2005. L'homme égyptien d'après les chefs-d'oeuvre du exp. NHK Promotions.